Page 24 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 24

Economy                                                                                                                                                         Land Trust Annual Review 2018

         “ Well-managed green
          space such as Wellesley
          is brilliant for people’s
          physical and mental
          well-being and it has
          been wonderful to
          witness the positive
          impact it has had on
          the local community
          and the residents who
          live nearby.”
          Leo Docherty MP

                                                                             Our site at
                                                                             Woodlands is
                                                                             now attracting
         Site delivering best/improved                                       over 200,000
         economic activity                                                   visitors a year                Community
         Wellesley Woodlands was the first winner   to offset any negative impact that
         of our award for the site delivering most   the development may have on the Thames
         beneficial and improved economic activity.  Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.                  cohesion
         The site, based in Aldershot and managed in   By working in partnership with Grainger,
         partnership with Blackwater Valley Countryside   and having a shared vision for long term
         Partnership, was formally taken over by the Land   investment and sustainable place making,
         Trust in the summer of 2014 with the vision of   our involvement has enabled the project to        and volunteering
         providing beautiful green woodlands and open   achieve planning consent and secured the
         spaces to benefit the local people and wildlife.  long term funding for the SANGS area.

         The woodlands form part of Wellesley, a   This enables the Land Trust to manage the
         development of 3,850 new homes being    site in perpetuity, and has allowed us to
         delivered by Grainger plc on former Garrison   create jobs for onsite rangers, develop and
         land in Aldershot, which is providing    maintain the green spaces, including new
         significant regeneration within Aldershot.  pathways, trails and car parks, engage with
                                                 local residents, provide new skills, training and          The average volunteer
         A key challenge of this site was the planning   volunteer opportunities and ensure the site        gives up two and a
         conditions for Grainger PLC, the developer,   becomes a focal point for the wider community,
         which stipulated a requirement for an area of   contributing to improved health, economic,         half days of their time
         Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)   educational, environmental and social benefits.   a year for the Land Trust

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