Page 8 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
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Northumberlandia received an estimated 87,000 visitors this year bringing much needed
               finances to local amenities.

               This site also received healthy donations of over £21,000 and the café made £100,000 in
               takings. Inside of centre has been reconfigured to allow the counter to better serve
               customers and bring more efficiencies to the service times, plus the outside seating area has

               been expanded to allow customers to dwell longer and ultimately spend more whilst on site.
               For dog owners, an additional offer for summer now includes ice cream, which has been

               especially developed for your favourite canine!

               St Luke’s

               With any new emerging community there is an opportunity to boost any local economy either
               by providing jobs or creating places to invest.  At St Luke’s we have always aimed to use

               local contractors to carry out our work with our main landscape contract being undertaken by
               Nurture landscapes with their local depot being just over 15 miles from site.  As well as
               helping to provide local employment, the short distance also helps to reduce the carbon

               footprint of the Land Trust with only short distances required.

               Recent tree works has also been undertaken by local tree surgeons, Roman River Tree

               Care being based just 16 miles from site.

               St Luke’s has also recently opened a new Coop for the local community along with a soon to

               be open independent coffee shop.

               Silverdale Country Park
               Local contractors were used on site using ERDF funding to excavate, re-profiling and clay
               lining of 70 seasonal pools now onsite to help support a greater wealth of aquatic plant and

               invertebrate life.

               During 2021/22 £17,939 was spent on local contractors to lay 160 Tonnes of stone to repair
               paths from flood damage, five more culverts were upgraded to metal key clamp fencing and
               60 T of stone was used to enable emergency vehicle access onto our main meadows in
               case of wildfires. After lots of complements about our hedge laying onsite we also got

               professional hedge layer Anthony Hammond to hedge lay 75m of roadside hedge near our
               Scot Hay entrance.

               During 2021/22, through Groundwork UK, Groundwork West Midlands were able to recruit
               three full time staff to deliver the ‘Natural Neighbourhoods’ project on Silverdale Country
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