Page 7 - Biodiversity Environment and Ecology Strategy
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The Land Trust Biodiversity, Environment and Ecology Strategy
Alan Carter,
Director of Operations
At the Land Trust we have long understood the we encourage them to undertake activities and tasks
important role our parks and green spaces can which improve the environment and biodiversity.
play in helping the environment, biodiversity and
ecology of an area, and we have always managed With some amazing green spaces in our
our sites in such a way to allow them to thrive. management portfolio we are already doing a huge
amount. However we also know there is potential to
As Director of Operations for the Land Trust it is do so much more.
my responsibility to maximise the charitable
output we deliver across our portfolio. Working in One of the key objectives in the Land Trust’s five year
collaboration with our managing partners and business plan is the acquisition of public open space
others, we deliver a huge amount of activity that within new housing developments. While the building
benefits the environment. of new houses inevitably has an initial impact on an
area there are a multitude of new challenges for the
However the challenge of delivering charitable Land Trust with biodiversity net gain likely to present
outcomes is ensuring that we can organise events a huge opportunity for us in the future. You will read
and activities that benefit our communities while more about this throughout the strategy document.
ensuring that it doesn’t negatively affect the wildlife
and biodiversity that call our sites home. What we We are incredibly proud of the work we do already
try and do is the opposite. We engage with the local and are excited about the challenges we face in
community so that they understand and value the the future.
natural environment around them, and by doing so
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