Page 17 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2021
P. 17

The Land Trust                                Annual Review 2021


 Our sites remained
 hugely popular for
 health activities with
 people using our
 spaces for activities
 such as walking,
 running and cycling

                 The increase    Economic and social value delivered
                       in visitor   With nearly 2.5 million visits to Land Trust sites in 2020-21 our parks and green spaces
                numbers had      have made a hugely positive impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of the
                a very positive   communities we work with.
                impact on the    The increase in visitor numbers had a very positive impact on the economic and social

 We are very   The Land Trust is extremely proud of the work we do across our sites to improve the   economic and   value we were able to create with over £2 million delivered.
 proud of the   physical and mental wellbeing of our communities and this is reflected in the activities   social value...  There was a significant increase in healthcare cost savings with this rising from
 we deliver on our sites.
 decisions we                    £847,879 in 2019-20 to £1,272,555 in 2020-21. There was also an increase in health
 took during that   When the first lockdown to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic was announced in March   and wellbeing value rising from £533,652 to £718,944.
 time, knowing   2020 it was a very difficult time for many organisations. Thankfully, although guidance
 that they   was changing frequently, it quickly became clear that the government was going to   The only decrease was in the value delivered through mental health activities which
                                 dropped from over half a million pound delivered in 2019-20 to £96,000 in 2020-21.
 prioritise people being able to get out and about for exercise.
 had a hugely
 positive impact...  The Land Trust therefore took the decision to keep as many of our sites open as   However this decrease can be attributed directly to the pandemic. In previous years
 possible for our communities to use. We did this knowing there would be significant   the Trust, our managing partners and volunteer workforce have had a real focus on
 challenges in doing this, particularly when other landowners were making the decision   delivering mental health activities on our green spaces, with many of them being
 to close their sites. We therefore saw increased footfall on our spaces, receiving over   carried out in person and in groups.
 two million visits for the first time in our history.
                                 Due to social distancing guidelines it was therefore very difficult to deliver the same
 We are very proud of the decisions we took during that time knowing that our green   level of activity and it will be a priority for the Trust in 2021-22 to increase these
 spaces helped so many people.   activities once more.

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