Page 63 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
P. 63

We are so proud of
                                                                                                      everything we were
                                                                                                      able to deliver on
                                                                                                      our parks and green
                                                                                                      spaces in 2019-20
 The Land Trust in numbers


 1.4 million visits to Land Trust sites

 80 sustainably managed spaces
 including nature reserves, country

 parks, public realm, urban fringe,
 play areas and playing fields

 Over 2,500 hectares of land
 under management

 Six new sites transferred to
 our management portfolio

 £30 million: the economic and
 social value that our green
 space management delivers to

 our communities

 £2.5 million: the economic and
 social value delivered on the

 Land Trust’s service charge sites

 Over 16,000 people attending
 an education or training activity –

 a rise of over 3,700

 Over 100,000 people attended a
 community activity on one of our

 sites – a rise of over 34,000

 47,483 people people attended
 a health activity – a record year!

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