Page 48 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
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Project of the year Land Trust Annual Review 2020
The Pebbles Project at the Old Brickworks Wild flowers at East Ketley Ravenhill Track wall at Haig Haig – Get Cumbria Buzzing
This project aimed to improve wetland areas and provide A team worked to create a patchwork of wild flower This year the team completed a five year project to Get Cumbria Buzzing was a three year funded
access to these areas, particularly for educational meadows across the site by cutting and removing the restore and rebuild sandstone walls which lined a 300 partnership project with Cumbria Wildlife Trust worth
groups. This included removal of scrub to allow gross sward of nettles, mugwort and willowherb. They metre historic trackway linking the hamlet of Arrowthwaite £5,000. Designed to improve sites for pollinators using
more light in places, retention of material on site to then worked to create a seed bed, sewing it with a wild to the first industrial undersea coal mine, Saltom Pit, in native species only, the funding was applied for by
provide hibernacula opportunities for newts and other flower mix, which has greatly improved the appearance 1730. Using lime mortar they started to point the walls Colourful Coast Project Officer Sophie Badrick.
amphibians, fencing to prevent access to the ponds by and biodiversity of the area. This work will continue, that were still standing. Once that was complete they This year was the first of the project managed by
dogs, and also scrape and runnel creation to divert water developing these areas over a greater space until some rebuilt the walls, bringing in approximately 15 tonnes of Academy Ranger Duncan Crawford, who did a fantastic
off paths and into wetland areas. Work with local groups meet up, with maintenance work continuing, involving stone and 20 tonnes of sand. job. There was community involvement throughout the
was restricted but volunteers were a big part of getting cutting and removal after annual seeding is achieved. year with volunteers helping to plant 400 pot grown
this project complete on a limited budget. The project involved roughly 50 people through youth heather plants, 1,500 native spring bulbs and wildflower
groups, volunteers and staff, with approximately 2,000 seeding over seven days.
hours going into the work.
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