Page 19 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 19

Social value                                                                                Land Trust Annual Review 2019

               “ There are a number
                 of factors that have

                 contributed to the
                 significant progress over the
                 last 12 months and these
                 are driven by the huge

                 amount of activity delivered
                 by our staff and managing
                 partners on our sites.”

 The long term success of our spaces is   After analysing the information provided from   makers continue to look at innovative new ways   of new businesses to begin operation on our green
 important to the reputation of the Land Trust,   across our sites in 2018-19 the results showed that   to tackle issues such as obesity, diabetes and   spaces. This has increased from nine in 2017-18 to
 our managing partners and the developers and   for every £1 we spend there is an overall economic   depression, which not only cost the NHS billions   86 in the last year.
 landowners we work with. We believe that our   and social benefit to society of £7.50. This is a   of pounds each year, but also the economy with   As we take more sites on the financial contribution
 role goes beyond simply managing green space   100% increase on our figures in 2017-18 and is a   millions of working days lost each year to physical   the Land Trust makes to the local economy is also
 and is about creating communities and places   fantastic achievement.   and mental health ailments.   significant. When employing managing partners or
 where people want to live, work and play.   There are a number of factors that have   Our placekeeping approach, designed to   contractors our philosophy is that it is important,
 contributed to the significant progress over the   encourage emotional ownership of our green   wherever possible, to ensure that we employ local
 In the pages of last year’s annual review we wrote   last 12 months and these are driven by the huge   spaces, has contributed to a 14% increase in the   businesses. This creates jobs and employment
 about our Social Value model that we developed   amount of activity delivered by our staff and   number of people enjoying community activities   opportunities within the community and also has
 in partnership with AMION Consulting. This model   managing partners on our sites.   on our sites. Building communities in this manner   the added benefit of the people we work with
 allows us to measure our impact by assessing the   There has been a 14% rise in the number of   creates social cohesion, which can increase the   having local knowledge which is vital when liaising
 benefits of our green space management against   people taking part in health activities on our sites   value of residential properties based near our sites.   with communities or our service charge customers.
 our five key charitable objectives of:  rising from 39,391 to 44,970. This adds social and   Visitor numbers continue to rise and for the   The number of people benefiting from our
 economic value for a number of reasons.   second year in succession we have had over a   flagship environmental Green Angels training
       Environment and biodiversity  Firstly, the positive impact that spending time in   million people enjoy spending time on our green   programme has more than doubled over the
       Health and wellbeing  well managed green space can have on physical   spaces. These visits make a positive impact on   previous 12 months with 77 people taking part in
       Education and learning  and mental wellbeing is huge and long term this   the economy with increased spending in local   at least one of our range of courses in 2018-19.
       Economic vitality  results in financial savings for the health service.   businesses situated around our sites. Our effective   A number of our participants have gone on to
       Community cohesion and volunteering  The rise of social prescribing will see this figure   green space management and this consistent rise   further education, while others have got back into
 continue to grow over the next decade as decision   in visitor numbers has also encouraged a number   employment or set up their own businesses.

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