Page 10 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
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Chief Executive’s report Land Trust Annual Review 2019
Over 24,000
people took part
in community
events on
Land Trust
sites in 2018-19
Delivering charitable outcomes
We are proud of our contribution to society “ Our sites also continue to
through our management of parks and green make a significant impact
spaces and the charitable outcomes we
deliver. You will be able to read more about this on the physical and mental
throughout this review. well-being of our residents
We have continued to build on our charitable and communities who live
objectives and have developed our social value around them.”
model to improve how we measure the impact that
investment in well-managed green space brings to
society as a whole.
Our new education strategy, which was launched in
summer, has seen us continue our work with young
people as we aim to inspire them to live healthy
active lives. The completion of the new outdoor
classroom at Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park,
London, and the new heritage centre at Port Sunlight While there has been a slight decrease in the
River Park, Wirral, will continue to build on this work. number of school visits to our sites (where lack
Our Green Angels programme which provides of available funding for travel often presents an
vocational training for volunteers, young people, and obstacle) there has been a rise in the number of
those not in work, has also continued to thrive and children engaging in activities on our sites, and the
will be rolled out on our sites at Hassall Green, Stoke number of participants on our Green Angels courses
on Trent, and Fort Burgoyne, Dover, in 2019-20. continues to rise.
Our sites also continue to make a significant Our place-keeping approach has seen a
impact on the physical and mental well-being of our substantial increase in the number of people
residents and communities who live around them. attending large scale community events across our
Whether it is just going for a walk or taking part sites with 24,000 people attending such events in
in an organised activity the benefits are clear and 2018-19, a rise of 9,000. This is particularly important
evidenced and we will continue to develop this work when it comes to encouraging emotional ownership
in the future. We are delighted to report a significant of our sites and bringing residents and
increase in activities to support people with mental communities together.
health conditions with over 4,000 benefitting, Volunteering has also continued to increase,
up from 1,200 in 2017-18. and significantly so in the 64+ age category.
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